The South of France inspired the Impressionist pleine air paintings of Cezanne, Monet and Van Gogh and its beautiful landscape and colors made an equally strong impression on Cindy Rinfret. After a vacation in the South of France, Cindy has come back re-energized and inspired. After looking at her photos we can see why!
Here are photos from Cindy's trip.

The blue sky, old world stone work, bright umbrellas and lush greenery -- what an introduction the market!

We love how these flowers are displayed in sweet little compartments with handwritten names. Much prettier than the corner store deli display here in the States!

This view speaks for itself. No caption necessary here!

This is the view from the private home where Cindy and her friends stayed. The big decisions here were, what to eat, where to layout, and when to take a walk to the market.
Even on vacation Cindy is always thinking about designing and collecting favorite pieces along the way. On her return back from France, Cindy arrived in the office with an armload of clippings from European magazines (the British House & Garden is especially fantastic) and snapshots of items that she loved. Here are some of our favorites:

This charming four poster bed has lovely details...

This desk is absolutely precious:

Cindy fell in love with this fantastic upholstered bench:

That's our little sneak peak of Cindy's wonderful vacation. You can't ask for anything better than relaxation and inspiration, and lucky for Cindy, both are easily found in the South of France!
Fabulous photos!