Unless you've been living in a cave for the past year, you know that animal prints are a hot in fashion, and looks like Michael Kors Spring 2012 collection are keeping the trend going strong.

Animal prints may come and go in the world of fashion but when it comes to interior design, there is always a place for some spots, stripes, furs or horns to add a pop of fun to a room. The look has been around for a long time in the world of design but we don't anticipate ever growing weary of it.

Animal prints in interior design aren't always playful and frivolous - they can also work for really masculine interiors. We may not associate animal prints and furs with men when it comes to fashion but for interior design the element of raw animal hides, furs and antlers can really give a strong and authentic look to a room that feels deliciously masculine.

Above is Tommy Hilfiger's family room (from his bachelor pad days) that is totally macho (in the best sense of the word) with wood paneling, Warhol's cowboy series, and fabulous antler furniture and lighting, plus a lot of leather and fur. This is a room that makes you want to light up a cigar.

A touch of zebra can also feel totally rock and roll, especially when paired with a photo of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. The rock star bachelor pad look continues in Tommy's master bedroom:

If you're not into the idea of animal prints, a great way to add some warmth and interest to a room is with a great faux fur throw.

This family room by Cindy Rinfret gets a dose of cozy warmth with a fur throw. It's an easy way to get the look and not quite as intense as some of the fashions now, and certainly easier to pull off than the Game of Thrones look...

Which one would you rather wrap yourself in?